Apple今早陸續向iOS程式開發員發出最新指引,要求日後上載到App Store的畫面截圖必須達到Retina顯示的解像度,即是現時iPhone 4/4s 使用的960x640px。日後Apps開發或更新必須跟從指引,似乎意味著要全面淘汰上一代像iPhone 3Gs解像度低一級的480x320px。
雖然Retina解像度的Apps也能安裝到非Retina顯示的機種上,但由於高一倍的解像度對硬體的處理速度要求更高,所以如日後全面Retina解像度化,相信以iPhone 3Gs或之前的機種的圖像處理能器就更感吃力。
When you create or update your apps in iTunes Connect, you must upload screenshots that are high-resolution. We require your screenshots as high-resolution images so that your app is optimized for the Retina display.
The requirements for high-resolution images are 960 x 640, 960 x 600, 640 x 960, or 640 x 920 pixels. Images must be at least 72 dpi, in the RGB color space, and the file must be .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, or .png. You can update your screenshot files at any time in iTunes Connect.