自iPad於2010年由Steve Jobs發表後,傳統的印刷出版業者無不聞之色變,其後越來越多新聞報章雜誌紛紛推出電子版已免被淘汰。而2011年時,一本由News Corporation與Apple合作,作為首本全iPad電子版的報刊「The Daily」,卻是落得結業收場。

當年Steve Jobs推出iPad時,大家都清楚這將會為出版界帶來一場改革,傳統的報刊雜誌必定會轉型為電子版。而事實上,憑著iPad的普及程度以及多方面的配合,的確正在改變左大家閱讀上的習慣。


(左邊是Eddy Cue,右邊是Rupert Murdoch)

在2011年時,蘋果的互聯網軟件和服務高級副總裁Eddy Cue和傳媒大亨梅鐸(Rupert Murdoch)聯合公佈了推出專為iPad而出刊的電子日報「The Daily」。這份報紙不會推出印刷版,在iPad上每星期的訂閱費只需USD0.99。不過好景不常,推出只有一年多的時間,這份iPad報紙因訂閱者的數目不如預期般理想,因此決定於2012年12月15日終止。梅鐸在新聞稿中說到:

From its launch, The Daily was a bold experiment in digital publishing and an amazing vehicle for innovation. Unfortunately, our experience was that we could not find a large enough audience quickly enough to convince us the business model was sustainable in the long-term. Therefore we will take the very best of what we have learned at The Daily and apply it to all our properties. Under the editorial leadership of Editor-in-Chief Col Allan and the business and digital leadership of Jesse, I know The New York Post will continue to grow and become stronger on the web, on mobile, and not least, the paper itself. I want to thank all of the journalists, digital and business professionals for the hard work they put into The Daily.”

大意是說:「The Daily」開創了數碼出版的先河,但不幸的是,不能獲得足夠的讀者訂閱報章。在長遠的經濟效益上的考量,只好將之結束。「The Daily」的原有內容將會被整合至旗下的紐約時報上,繼續為大眾服務。




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