iPhone 5 蒲正式發售後就諸事不利,明明首三天發售了500萬部破盡過往的記錄,但財經界卻說賣不到1000萬部令人失望(那來這麼多貨?),結果股價跌至今天未停過。其他還有首批大貨被發現刮痕、掉漆,再加上地圖等問題令Tim Cook要出來道歉。還不止,最近再鬧出拍照現紫光問題,蘋果現再度開腔回應事件。

關於鏡頭在強光下出顯紫色炫光問題,大家看上面的比較圖就能理解。雖然鏡頭組片的設計跟iPhone 4s相似,但加近了一片提高畫質的藍寶石鏡片,這有可能是導致問題的原題。而官方對此問題已正式作出了回應

Most small cameras, including those in every generation of iPhone, may exhibit some form of flare at the edge of the frame when capturing an image with out-of-scene light sources. This can happen when a light source is positioned at an angle (usually just outside the field of view) so that it causes a reflection off the surfaces inside the camera module and onto the camera sensor. Moving the camera slightly to change the position at which the bright light is entering the lens, or shielding the lens with your hand, should minimize or eliminate the effect.


言下之意即是這些情況是正常的,大家接受這說法嗎?已買了iPhone 5的讀者朋友,你也有此問題嗎?歡迎和我們分享你的經驗。





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