
發佈會過後,Apple也發出了新聞稿介紹iPhone 5和新一系列的iPod產品。大家關心的iPhone 5正式發售時間已定於9月21日,而新聞稿當中也提及可於9月14日本周五進行網上預購,並於9月21日正式發售時取貨。



iPhone 5 comes in either white & silver or black & slate, and will be available in the US for a suggested retail price of $199 (US) for the 16GB model and $299 (US) for the 32GB model and $399 (US) for the 64GB model. iPhone 5 will be available from the Apple Online Store (www.apple.com), Apple’s retail stores, and through AT&T, Sprint, Verizon Wireless and select Apple Authorized Resellers. iPhone 5 will be available in the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and the UK on Friday, September 21, and customers can pre-order their iPhone 5 beginning Friday, September 14. iPhone 4S will also be available for just $99 (US) and iPhone 4 will be available for free with a two-year contract.****** iOS 6 software will be available on Wednesday, September 19 as a free software update.





更新 Update:

根據過往經驗,在正式發售前一周可於網上預購,即是官方新聞稿中所述的9月14日(星期五),而訂購成功的話,貨物會速遞到買家指定的地址。至於上述9月20日的預訂,則是成功訂購後,翌日到親身到IFC的Apple Store取貨。所以兩個日子都能於網上訂購,只是取貨方式不同,大家留意一下。



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