
第三代新iPad今天正式發售,美國著名遊戲開發商Gameloft也要湊湊熱鬧,將旗下12款熱門大作限時減價至最低點的USD0.99。當中還包括已升級至新iPad Retina超清顯示的「Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation」,如日後有意購買新iPad就別錯過機會了!

所有限時減價遊戲如下,12款iPhone 和 iPad,加1款MAC遊戲:

Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation for iPhone and iPad

Modern Combat: Domination for Mac

Silent Ops for iPhone and iPad

BackStab for iPhone and iPad

Fast Five the Movie: Official Game for iPhone and iPad

Spider-Man: Total Mayhem for iPhone and iPad

Assassin’s Creed: Altaïr’s Chronicles for iPhone and iPad

Splinter Cell Conviction for iPhone and iPad

The Adventures of Tintin™ – The Game – iPhone & iPad

Warplanes: A History of Aerial Combat – iPad

Iron Man 2 for iPhone and iPad

Starfront: Collision for iPhone and iPad

Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden for iPhone and iPad



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