
在商品市場中推陣出新是不變的定律,但舊的產品怎麼辦呢?除了可以放上二手市場,或者送給家中的其他成員外,或可考慮蘋果的回收計劃,獲取最多320美元的Gift Card。

蘋果一向有舊產品的回收計劃,以幫大家處理舊的產品,從而對環保作出一點貢獻。據TNW報導,蘋果剛推出了舊iPad 2的回收計劃,如能操作正常的iPad 2最高可換取320美元的Gift Card,以下是各型號的舊iPad 2回收價值(單位為美元)

We checked out some of the other sites and the scale seems to be fairly representative of trade-in values on other sites like eBay InstantSale and more than the comparable models go for on Gazelle.

Apple iPad 2 16GB WiFi $205
Apple iPad 2 16GB WiFi + 3G $250
Apple iPad 2 32 GB WiFi $245
Apple iPad 2 32GB WiFi + 3G $280
Apple iPad 2 64GB WiFi $275
Apple iPad 2 64GB WiFi + 3G $320
These values are based on ‘perfect condition’ iPads with no scuffing, engraving and functional batteries that are shipped along with a power cord and wiped of data. Water damage, cracks and wear all affect the value that Apple will give.






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