蘋果教主Steve Jobs病逝的消息傳出後,世界各地蘋果粉絲都紛紛以自己方式進行悼念活動。秉承教主追求簡約設計的精神,來自香港理工大學的麥朗(Jonathan Mak)憑設計了一個教主剪影的蘋果標誌而被網上轉載瘋傳,一夜成名。在麥朗受關注的同時,互聯網上隨即傳來,標計意念設計者另有其人,而麥朗也於其個人博客上承認了早在自己創計前已經有設計師做了這標誌。

這位原創者是來自英國RAID71團隊的其中一名設計師Chris Thornley,其設計早於今年5月22日已上載至Flickr,比麥朗於今年8月設計和上載至互聯網早了3個月。兩者設計雖然有些少差別,但背後意念還是一致的,都是以教主的剪影來突出設計的特色。


昨天,麥朗也於個人博客上回應了涉嫌抄襲事件。他承認Chris Thornley的設計早於自己,也同意兩者設計意念相似(黑白配色相反),但就表示自己於設計前已經透過搜尋引擎,搜查是否已有類似設計出現時,並沒發現。麥朗表示不會因是次涉嫌抄襲事件向設計師Chris Thornley致歉,因為他覺得在差不多事間內,出現相同構念設計的作品時有發生,堅稱是次創作是自己的作品。


RAID71’s design, on the other hand, does indeed contain the very same idea. Although it is impossible to verify it now that all this happened, I honestly did not come across his work while searching for terms such as “Apple, Steve Jobs, logo, silhouette”. I did my best to ensure that the idea had not been done before.

It probably does not help that I have expressed uncertainties about the originality of my work, but my paranoia stemmed from the apparent simplicity of the concept. The visual connection between Steve’s profile and the logo seemed too obvious to not have been picked up on yet. Turns out, I’m right.

I will not apologize for “ripping off” Mr. Thornley’s work, because like others who have created similar pieces at around the same time (blatant copies notwithstanding), I have arrived at this design on my own.

I do, however, wish to say sorry for not dealing with this as quickly as I probably should have, but I was struggling with how to word my response properly last night.

A final clarification: I have NOT made any money from this, and have only answered people who offered to donate all their proceedings to charities with the condition of receiving a receipt or other confirmation of the donation.




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