NASA – 美國太空總處,一個無人不認識的太空機構。網站專為iPhone、Android (或其他使用mp3檔作鈴聲的電話)推出了多首來自太空的獨特聲音作為鈴聲。當中有穿梭機發射的聲音,也有阿波羅11號登月的聲音,其中由太空人Armstrong所說的”我的一小步,是人類的一大步”更是經典中的經典。有興趣使用這些與別不同的鈴聲,就要進來下載囉!

以下m4r 為 iPhone 專用鈴聲檔,而mp3檔可用於Android 或其他任何使用mp3檔作鈴聲的電話,大家選擇所需下載吧!

Atlantis landing


STS-1: We’re Going to Dust it Off First
STS-7: That Was Definitely an E-ticket!
STS-131: Sound of Launch
STS-132: Shuttle Gear Drop
STS-135: Countdown to Launch
STS-135: Launch Commentary
STS-135: Landing Commander Comments
STS-135: Landing Comments
M4R (iPhone)
STS-1: We’re Going to Dust it Off First
STS-7: That Was Definitely an E-ticket!
STS-131: Sound of Launch
STS-132: Shuttle Gear Drop
STS-135: Countdown to Launch
STS-135: Launch Commentary
STS-135: Landing Commander comments
STS-135: Landing Comments


Buzz Aldrin walks on moon during the Apollo 11 mission


Apollo 8: Merry Christmas
Apollo 11: We Have a Lift-Off
Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed
Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed Extended
Apollo 11: That’s One Small Step for (a) Man
Apollo 12: Cardiac Sim
Apollo 12: All Weather Testing
Apollo 13: Houston, We’ve Had a Problem
JFK: Return Him Safely to Earth
JFK: We Choose the Moon with Apollo 11 Launch
JFK: We Choose the Moon
Mercury 4: Clock Started
Mercury 6: Zero G
Mercury 6: God Speed
Mercury 7: Liftoff
Mercury 7: Fireflies
Mercury 7: Guaymas Greeting
Mercury 9: Astronaut Cooper Comments
M4R (iPhone)
Apollo 8: Merry Christmas
Apollo 11: We Have a Lift-Off
Apollo 11: Eagle has Landed
Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed Extended
Apollo 11: That’s One Small Step for (a) Man
Apollo 12: Cardiac Sim
Apollo 12: All Weather Testing
Apollo 13: Houston, We’ve Had a Problem
JFK: Return Him Safely to Earth
JFK: We Choose the Moon with Apollo 11 Launch
JFK: We Choose the Moon
Mercury 4: Clock Started
Mercury 6: Zero G
Mercury 6: God Speed
Mercury 7: Liftoff
Mercury 7: Fireflies
Mercury 7: Guaymas Greeting
Mercury 9: Astronaut Cooper Comments


Kepler launch


Cassini: Saturn Radio Emissions #1
Cassini: Saturn Radio Emissions #2
Cassini: Enceladus sound
Kepler: Star KIC12268220C Light Curve Waves to Sound
Kepler: Star KIC7671081B Light Curve Waves to Sound
LCROSS: Water on the Moon Song
Atlas V: Launch
M4R (iPhone)
Cassini: Saturn Radio Emissions #1
Cassini: Saturn Radio Emissions #2
Cassini: Enceladus sound
Kepler: Star KIC12268220C Light Curve Waves to Sound
Kepler: Star KIC7671081B Light Curve Waves to Sound
LCROSS: Water on the Moon Song
Atlas V: Launch


Sputnik image


Quindar: Sound #1
Quindar: Sound #2
Sputnik: Beep
M4R (iPhone)
Quindar: Sound #1
Quindar: Sound #2
Sputnik: Beep




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