最近於美國舉行的未來手機發展會議中, 代表HTC的Martin Fichter有一番有趣的意見.

美國HTC 代理總裁 Martin Fichter有一位女兒, 並於Apple前CEO Steve Job的母校讀書. 從觀察其女兒及同學之間使用手機的情況, 他發現不少學生父親都是使用iPhone, 令他們認為iPhone很過氣及失去蘋果產品的興趣, 並改用其他品牌的手機.

以下是Martin Fichter對此現象的發言摘要.

  • 「蘋果在創新, 三星在創新, 我們亦在創新. 大家也在創新, 為消費者做了很多不同種類的事. 我帶我女兒回到學校, 並與一些同齡小孩交流. 他們沒有一位在用iPhone, 而且跟我說『我爸爸有iPhone. 』 雖然這是一個很有趣商品, 但iPhone的吸引力經已越來越少. 他們會用HTC, 會用三星, 會用一些中國製的手機, 但卻不會用iPhone. 或者在學校上Mac Book Air依然非常令人亮眼, 但iPhone卻是司空見慣. 孩子們都認為iPhone很過氣了.」
  • “Apple is innovating. Samsung is innovating. We are innovating. Everybody is innovating. And everybody is doing different things for the end consumers. I brought my daughter back to college — she’s down in Portland at Reed — and I talked to a few of the kids on her floor. And none of them has an iPhone because they told me: ‘My dad has an iPhone.’ There’s an interesting thing that’s going on in the market. The iPhone becomes a little less cool than it was. They were carrying HTCs. They were carrying Samsungs. They were even carrying some Chinese manufacture’s devices. If you look at a college campus, Mac Book Airs are cool. iPhones are not that cool anymore. We here are using iPhones, but our kids don’t find them that cool anymore.”

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