這兩天的消息都是很突然, 上星期筆者還興高彩烈地向大家介紹來自Google 旗下Silde 所推出的一款相片分享社交App – Photovine,想不到推出短短時間,Google就要”狠下毒手”。如今藤子還沒成長就枯萎了,真慘情。

Google去年以約200萬美元將Slide.com收歸旗下,所以收購後Google理所當然可擁有Slide旗下的多種應用服務,像Disco,Pool Party,Video Inbox 和剛剛推出的Photovine等(只保留Prizes)。據TechCrunch 報導,Google 收購Slide.com原意是想增強公司於社交網絡遊戲方面,但奈何Slide的服務和Google已有服務有著重複功能,而且Slide多數優先為iOS 推出App,Android 就沒份。





Update on Slide’s products and our commitment to our users


We wanted to give you all advance notice that in the coming months, a number of Slide’s products and applications will be retired. This includes Slide’s products such as Slideshow and SuperPoke! Pets, as well as more recent products such as Photovine, Video Inbox and Pool Party. We created products with the goal of providing a fun way for people to connect, communicate and share. While we are incredibly grateful to our users and for all of the wonderful feedback over the years, many of these products are no longer as active or haven’t caught on as we originally hoped.

Most importantly, we wanted to take this opportunity to reassure you that we’re committed to helping our users preserve their data as easily as possible. We recognize that many of you have stored valuable content with us and want to assure you that, wherever possible, you will have ample time to download that information or transfer it to another service.

For example, on Slide.com, we will enable users to either download their photos or export them to a Picasa account. We are working to release this export feature over the coming weeks and, once added, users will have several months to take advantage of transferring their photos.

Thanks again for all of your support, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to share more details in the coming days and weeks on how to access and save your content from specific Slide products. If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Or visit this page for any additional updates.

From the Slide Team


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