今早外電消息,被譽為蘋果教主的Steve Jobs正式辭去CEO(執行長)一職, 轉為擔任蘋果公司的董事長,而現職將由繼承人Tim Cook接棒。是次請辭並沒正式交代原因,推側是跟健康有莫大關係,辭任一事已獲蘋果董事會接納,即時生效。

自今年一月中無限期休假以來,Steve Jobs 健康一直備受關注,外界甚至傳出只有六個星期壽命。其後於三月初堅持親自上台發佈iPad 2,再到六月份的WWDC大會上發佈iOS 5,以身體力行打破種種流言。


↑三月初iPad 2發佈會上的Steve Jobs


↑六月初WWDC發佈會上的Steve Jobs.

雖然Steve Jobs 辭去CEO 一職只擔任蘋果其中一名董事長,但他老人家還會在未來日子為各種重要產品給予意見。蘋果時代會否隨著Steve Jobs 的退去而開始走下坡,筆者相信影響是有的,但一定不會拖垮整間公司。至於iPhone 5 發佈會還能否再次見到Steve Jobs 上台呢?目前還不清楚,但應該不會了。

以下是Steve Jobs 辭職公開信全文:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.
I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.
As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.
I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.
I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.



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