

昨日本網報導 LG G5 正式發售後,JerryRigEverything 取得手機並進行解拆。而在解拆手機的過程中赫然發現機背有一層灰色疑似塑膠的物料,雖然再刮後發現金屬材質,但是與其聲稱 “全金屬機身” 的資料不符。

而今日 LG 對於這件事作出了回應,答案令人欣喜。原文如下:

What you’re seeing there is primer, not a plastic cover. As you know, primer is used to get paint to bond to aluminum, which is what we used for the G5’s body. The aluminum alloy we sourced is known as LM201b (patent pending) and was developed at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology for use in automobiles and aircraft. LM201b, unlike the aluminum used in other smartphones, is diecast unibody which makes it very sturdy while still maintaining lightweight properties. We figured out a way to integrate the antenna bands into the aluminum seamlessly so you can’t feel the lines and covered the LM201b with primer and paint using a process called microdizing which means that tiny particles of metal are infused in the coating and bonded to the aluminum. I think it’s incorrect to say that a product isn’t all metal if paint is involved. That’s like saying cars and airplanes aren’t metal because they’re also painted. For the record, even metal that’s anodized will scratch off. Our process may be different but it achieved what we were aiming for, which is a smooth, seamless metal finish that’s durable and lightweight. We weren’t interested in doing what has already been done. When did this become a bad thing?

意思大約是:G5 機身上類似塑膠材質其實是底漆 (primer),因為它對於金屬具有極強的吸附能力,這也是為何用在 G5 機身的原因。G5 所使用的金屬鋁為正在申請專利的 LM201b,是由韓國工業研究所研發,用於汽車和飛機的製造,所以經壓鑄一體成型後的機身是非常堅固而且輕。LG 找到方法將天線無縫融合在鋁製機身上。。。。。。如果說這樣不能算作金屬機身的話,那麼經過塗裝的汽車與飛機也不能說是金屬機身了。。。我們在G5 身上實現了平滑無縫的金屬機身,並且保證了堅固耐用和輕量化,這難道是是件壞事嗎?

大家應該明白了,原來這部手機竟是採用在汽車和飛機上才會使用的材質,跟其他全金屬機身手機而言,質量高出許多,而 JerryRigEverything 也表示過機身過輕得連他也懷疑是否真的全金屬,可想而知這部 G5 有多輕吧。。。


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