網上標錯價錢事件經常發生,有時廠商都會良心發現發貨,不過相信今次機會不大啦。Sony US 今天突然把原價 USD$2,299.99 的 Sony a7R 相機調價至 USD$199.99,明眼睇就知道 Sony 標錯價錢。
Unless otherwise indicated, the purchase price of Products will be billed in full at the time of Product shipment. Sony will charge credit cards upon shipment. Sony accepts Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover. Sony does not accept cash, COD, purchase orders, personal checks or the Sony Preferred Card unless specific arrangements have been made for business sales. Sony payment terms are subject to change without notice at Sony’s sole discretion. For orders from the Website, we confirm the price of a Product as part of our order processing procedures. In the unlikely event that a price stated on a Sony Web site or direct sales materials are incorrect, then the following applies: If a Product’s correct price is lower than our stated price, we charge the lower price and ship you the Product. If a Product’s correct price is higher than our stated price, we will, at our discretion, either contact you for instructions before shipping or cancel your order and notify you of such cancellation. We reserve the right to correct the balance of your Gift Card if we believe a clerical, billing or accounting error occurred. Sony shall not be liable for any billing errors unless you advise us of such billing error within sixty (60) days of its transaction date. Sony further accepts the Sony Gift Card and up to 10 Gift Cards can be used for payment.
不過其實 Sony 早在 Terms 中表明如果售價高低,會保留取消訂單的權利,大家高高興興買到的 a7R 相信最終只會變成一張 Gift 卡呢!
總按:Sony 已移除標錯價的購物網頁