oneplus one pete lau近期 OnePlus 這家公司的消息越炒越烈 , 早前有消息指 OnePlus 推出的第一部手機 OnePlus One 將採用金屬機身設計 , 而被確認的消息有三個 , 一個是其處理器是採用 Snapdragon 800 , 一個是其售價保證代於 US$400美元 , 即約 HK$3,100 左右 . 最後一個是採用 CyanogenMod 系統 , 不過詳細的資料就仍是一個未知數 . 筆者在探訪 OnePlus 總部時就找上了 OnePlus CEO Mr.Pete Lau 做了一個訪問 , 不知道有什麼料要爆呢 ? 來看一下 .

訪問為英文版 , 我們提供了中文版, 讓讀者看得更傳神

1) What is OnePlus’ company philosophy? Why did you start a new mobile phone company and not stay with OPPO?
請問一下 Oneplus 公司的理念是什麼 ? 您為什麼由 OPPO 跳出來開一家手機公司 ?

The OnePlus philosophy is to never settle. We aim to make beautiful devices with exceptional build quality and the best possible user experience. I value my time at OPPO and am grateful to the opportunities I had there, but I knew the chance to start OnePlus wouldn’t come around again. I have always dreamed of building an internationally recognized and respected brand, and I founded OnePlus to do just that. Finally, there is a real opportunity to disrupt the smartphone market on a global scale by pursuing an e-commerce business model. OnePlus lets us make changes it would have been logistically too difficult to make at OPPO because there business model is so established.


我很珍惜在OPPO的那段時光,並且也很感激OPPO給我的機會。但是我知道現在是做oneplus的最好時機。我一直都夢想著做一個受人尊敬的國際品牌,一加就是為此而生的. 最後,這是一次真正的機會,我們要用電商模式來改寫全球智能手機市場。一加讓我們發生著改變。在有著固定商業模式的OPPO想要做出這種改變很難。


2) When will the company launch the first product? what is position of our product? sell online or off?
公司計劃將於什麼時候推出第一款產品 ? 產品定位是什麼 ? 會以什麼方式銷售 ?

We will launch our first product, the OnePlus One, in Q2. We are primarily focused on selling it online so as to cut down traditional sales partner and marketing costs and ultimately make a better product at a better value for the user. Our main goal in making the OnePlus One was to never settle on the product itself.

我們將會在今年二季度發布我們的首款產品OnePlus one。我們主要採用線上銷售的方法來減少傳統的銷售環節和營銷成本,最終讓消費者以較低的價格買到更好的產品。我們做Oneplus One的主要目標就是產品本身不將就。


3) What countries and regions will it be available in?

We haven’t announced the specific countries just yet, but the OnePlus One will be available in select markets spanning North America, Europe and Asia. We designed the OnePlus One to support LTE globally. Stay tuned to find out which exact countries we’ll launch in.

我們還沒有公佈具體的國家,但是OnePlus one肯定會在北美、歐洲和亞洲市場上市。 Oneplus One的LTE網絡,讓它在全球都暢通無阻。請拭目以待我們產品發布國家和地區的最終結果。


4) Does the first product have a finalized name? Does the name have a meaning?
第一款產品的命名是否有定案了 ? 名稱是否有什麼含意 .

Our first product is a smartphone called the OnePlus One. We chose to name our company ‘OnePlus’ for two different reasons. On one hand, ‘One’ represents the status quo, and ‘Plus’ represents our desire to improve upon that. Alternatively, ‘One’ represents an individual user and ‘Plus’ represents an organic sharing of our product through our users’ network of friends and family. We think that will be the best way to reach consumers, through good word of mouth.

We named our first phone ‘One’ because it just felt like a natural fit for our first product as a company, a product that will be our debut to the world.

我們的第一款智能手機產品叫做Oneplus One。我們給公司取名叫“一加”有兩個原因。從一方面來講,“一”代表現狀,“加”代表更好。從另一方面來說,“一”是代表用戶,“加”是代表分享的精神,消費者將我們的產品分享給他的朋友和家人。我們覺得通過口碑的傳播是贏得消費者青睞的最好方式。



5) Is your main rival Xiaomi or Nexus?
主要的對手是 小米 還是 Nexus ?

We didn’t enter the market with a rival in mind, we’re just trying to build the best possible smartphone. There are comparisons that can be drawn between both Xiaomi and Nexus based on price and their business models but we believe the quality of our phones far exceed what is currently available. Ultimately, because we are so new, our own actions will impact us more than the actions of any of our competitors.



6) Are there plans to make other products in the future?
未來有否計劃推出其他定位的產品 ?

We’re putting all of our focus into the OnePlus One right now. Of course we have ideas for our next products, but the OnePlus One will be our only product for 2014.

目前我們把所有的精力都投入到了Oneplus One上。當然,我們考慮過別的的產品,但是2014年我們只會推出Oneplus One 一款。


7) What is special about OnePlus, how will they attract users?
在競爭激烈的手機市場 , Oneplus 將有什麼特色的東西吸引用戶 ?

The team here has an incredible background in hardware. We are well versed in how to build beautiful and well-constructed devices. Our experience helps us make decisions that will improve the whole user experience. Every decision is well thought out and precisely executed to better the longevity, feeling and performance of the phone.

We are also partnering with CyanogenMod,the most popular aftermarket open source Android system. The software on the OnePlus One will showcase the lightness, speed and security that CyanogenMod is famous for plus a range of extra features designed exclusively for our device.


同時我們也和全球最流行的第三方開源安卓系統CyanogenMod一起合作。 Oneplus One的軟件部分將完美展示CM引以為傲的輕、快和安全性的特點,並且還有一系列額外定制的功能。


8) What’s your opinion on the current mobile phone market?

Honestly, I am not satisfied with it. Many phones available today are simply ugly. The ones that are well designed are typically loaded with unneccessary software or poorly built. My dissatisfaction with the current choices were the catalyst for me to start my own venture in OnePlus.





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