HTC One S 是去年 HTC One 系列中的其中一員 , 不知不覺已經足足一年了 , 不過 HTC 就下了一個很沉重的決定 , 就是不會再為 HTC One S 提供升級服務 , 所以現時 HTC One S 的 4.1.1 已經是系統的上限 , 未來就要靠用戶自己刷 ROM 了.

We can confirm that the HTC One S will not receive further Android OS updates and will remain on the current version of Android and HTC Sense. We realize this news will be met with disappointment by some, but our customers should feel confident that we have designed the HTC One S to be optimized with our amazing camera and audio experiences.


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