當各位 Samsung Galaxy S 用戶準備好升級 Android 2.3 吃薑餅的時候 , 突然發出聲明先暫時中止升級計劃 . 原因是 Vodafone 原定好透過 Samsung 的 Kies 軟件進行升級 . 可是 gingerbread 系統突然出了一個問題 , 導致 Galaxy S 不能升級 . Google 已經即時暫停升級服務 . Vodafone 表示會盡快恢復升級 , 並與 Samsung 在努力解決這問題 .

想吃薑餅的 Galaxy S 朋友 , 又要多等一會了 .

聲 明 原 文 :

due to an issus with the gingerbread to an issue with the Gingerbread update for the Samsung Galaxy S, its roll out has been temporarily suspended by Google. Unfortunately, this means the Vodafone variant is not currently available to download through KIES.

As there are no known performance issues with the Vodafone variant of the device, we are working with Samsung to reinstate the roll out as soon as possible. We know this is frustrating for those Vodafone customers who have not yet been able to update their device and are working hard to address the matter with Samsung.


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